Research Field
Earthquake Source Physics
Current Research
How does an earthquake occur? What are governing laws and conditions for earthquake source process?
Seismic waveform inversion method is a useful tool to investigate the rupture history of earthquakes. We have developed inversion methods and applied them to data sets of various earthquakes, from gigantic events to small-scale rock bursts. To study a macroscopic parameter is also informative. Recent studies of seismically radiated energy show that earthquakes generally obey a similarity rule. Now we are looking for the breakdown of this similarity rule using various data.
Recently, we have achieved a breakthrough on the study of “slow earthquakes”, which are unusual earthquakes, discovered worldwide. We showed that slow earthquakes in western Japan is shear slip on the plate interface and obey a simple scaling law.
Another way of study is numerical simulation, which is useful to understand the effect of micro scale heterogeneity and probabilistic property of earthquakes. Recent study includes crack propagation in multi-scale heterogeneous medium that show self-similar behavior consistent with the result of data analysis. To simulate seismic wave radiation from a seismic source with multi-scale heterogeneity is also an important study topic.
Representative Publications
1. Ide, S., Frequent observations of identical onsets of large and small earthquakes, Nature, 573, 112-116, 2019. 2. Ide, S., A. Baltay, and G. C. Beroza, Shallow Dynamic Overshoot and Energetic Deep Rupture in the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake, Science, 332, 1426-1429, 2011. 3. Ide, S., Striations, duration, migration and tidal response in deep tremor, Nature, 466, 356-359, 2010.