

Graduate School of Frontier Sciences

Office: -4H4


Research Field

Planetary airglow

Current Research

I study the planetary atmospheres, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, as well as the Earth. I am now developing telescoles which will be boarded on Planetary orbiters. My newly developed instrument has a capability to collect EUV photons from the planets with a high efficiency.

Representative Publications

1. Yoshikawa, I, K. Yoshioka, G. Murakami, G. Ogawa, M. Ueno, A. Yamazaki, K. Uemizu, S. Kameda, F. Tsuchiya, M. Kagitani, N. Terada, Y. Kasaba, The EXCEED mission, Advances in Geosciences, Vol. 25, 29-42, 2010.
2. Yoshikawa, I., G. Murakami, G. Ogawa, K. Yoshioka, Y. Obana, M. Taguchi, A. Yamazaki, S. Kameda, M. Nakamura, M. Kikuchi, M. Kagitani, S. Okano, W. Miyake, Plasmaspheric EUV image seen from the lunar orbit: Initial Result of Extreme Ultraviolet Telescope onboard KAGUYA spacecraft, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, CiteID A04217, 2010.
3. Yoshikawa, I., O. Korablev, S. Kameda, D. Rees, H. Nozawa, S. Okano, V. Gnedykh, V. Kottsov, K. Yoshioka, G. Murakami, F. Ezawa, and G. Cremonese, The Mercury Sodium Atmospheric Spectral Imager for the MMO Spacecraft of Bepi-Colombo, Planetary and Space Science, vol. 58, pp. 224-237, 2010.