
USUI, Tomohiro

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

Office: -1508
TEL: +81-70-3117-7038
FAX: --


Research Field

Geochemistry, petrology, planetary exploration

Current Research

Co-evolution of planetary interiors and surface environments is studied based on planetary exploration and geochemical/petrological analyses of meteorites from Mas and asteroids

Representative Publications

1. Usui T., Alexander C. M.O'D., Wang J., Simon J. I., and Jones J. H. (2015) Meteoritic evidence for a previously unrecognized hydrogen reservoir on Mars. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 410, 140-151.
2. Usui T., Alexander C. M.O'D., Wang J., Simon J. I., and Jones J. H. (2012) Origin of water and mantle–crust interactions on Mars inferred from hydrogen isotopes and volatile element abundances of olivine-hosted melt inclusions of primitive shergottites. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 357-358, 119-129.
3. Usui T., Nakamura E., Kobayashi K., Maruyama S., and H. Helmstaedt (2003). Fate of the subducted Farallon plate inferred from eclogite xenoliths in the Colorado Plateau. Geology 30, 589-592.